Investment Client Services

Investment Plan Construction

Investment Plan Implementation

Annual Review Meetings

Free Access to Paid Resources

A Fully Customized Entrust Investment Services Investment Portfolio
At Entrust Investment Services we work with our clients to develop a portfolio that does not rely on standard model portfolio methods of construction. Model portfolios lump investors together based upon simple demographic information such as age and time horizon.
At Entrust, we think that your investment plan should be custom built to solve the specific goals, needs and wants that you have. Time horizon and age are important variables, but many people with similar age and time horizon have wildly different needs and goals. Entrust takes this into account to build a fully customized portfolio solution for you.

Entrust Investment Services Strives to See Your Plan Implemented Correctly
Once your investment plan has been been constructed, a licensed Investment Advisor Representative of Entrust Investment Services will work with you to implement your investment plan.
Many of our customized investment portfolio solutions rely on a detailed level of understanding of your cash flow needs and goals. Our experienced advisors will work with you to verify that each investment choice made in your account honors the goals and objectives that you have for your investment plan.

Entrust Investment Services Helps You Keep Your Plan on Track
Change is a constant reality. Change can mean:
1. Changes with you personally
2. Changes with the economy
3. Changes with the stock market
4. Changes in interest rates
5. Changes in inflation
6. Changes with investment products
7. Changes in investment research
At Entrust, we strive to help you keep your plan current to the ever changing world that we live in. Whether its something on the list above, or any other change that occurs, our team will work with you every year to keep your plan current.

Entrust Investment Services Resource Library for No Additional Cost
Entrust Investment Services has a resource library of content that has been used to help thousands of members of the public. Access to many of these paid resources is available at no additional cost to our Investment Clients. Such resources are listed below (not a comprehensive list).
1. Social Security Workbook
2. Tax Planning Workbook
3. Recorded Presentation of a Social Security Workshop
4. Whitepaper on Understanding the Risks of Bond Funds
5. Recorded Presentation of a Tax Workshop